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Les Cours



Tarif : 110.00 €

Baptême de plongée !

Saisissez l'opportunité de découvrir un monde inconnu, de faire de nouvelles rencontres et de profiter d'une expérience unique. Il n'y a rien de comparable. Plonger est plus facile que ce que vous pouvez l'imaginer ! Soyez prêt à savourer ce nouveau défi et plongez dans un nouveau monde.


Tarif : 580.00 €

Cette certification vous formera à devenir un plongeur compétent, et vous permettra de plonger jusquà 18 mètres avec un binôme de niveau égal ou supérieur. Avec cette certification vous pourrez aussi louer du matériel et faire gonfler vos bouteilles. Le cours nécessite environ 4 jours et consiste en une partie théorique et une partie pratique en eau peu, puis plus profonde. Le début d'un long frisson sous-marin.


minimum 8 semaines

Tarif : 1000.00 €

Ce programme s'appuie sur une application pratique et des informations de base.

L'objectif est de former des plongeurs professionnels préparés, capables de s'adapter à toute situation en toute circonstance.

Un Dive Master PADI peut mener et guider des plongeurs certifiés. De plus, après le suivi du programme Snorkeling Instructor, un dive master peut conduire et délivrer des certifications Snokeling.




Cost :  330 Duration : 1 Day

As a Nitrox diver, you can increase your bottom times and safety margins, plus shorten your surface intervals - so you can spend more time diving and less time waiting! In this program, you will learn new skills and increase your diving knowledge whilst learning how to safely plan and dive with enriched air mixtures of up to 40% oxygen. Upon completion, you will earn an SSI Enriched Air Nitrox 32% or 40% certification.

Deep Diving

Cost : € 450 

The Deep Diving Specialty will teach you all you need to dive to depths between 18 and 40 meters, through a mixture of academic sessions and open water dives. You will learn to plan and safely complete your deep diving adventures and use computers and gas consumption calculations to get the most from your deep dives. Upon completion, you will earn your SSI Deep Diving Specialty certification and be able to explore beautiful deep dive sites wherever you choose. This SSI Specialty is also a prerequisite for some advanced training, making it the next logical step to take in your dive education.

DPV (Diver Propultion Vehicle) Scooter

Cost : € 450 / Duration: 2 Days

If you want to make the most of your bottom time and have more fun on your dives, try diver propulsion vehicle (DPV) diving. In this underwater DPV course, you will learn the skills and concepts you need to safely plan and conduct dives using DPVs. You will learn the special precautions needed for using DPVs, how to maintain buddy contact and how to control your equipment, so you can safely enjoy the new dive experiences DPVs provide. Upon completion of this program, you will earn the SSI DPV Diving specialty certification and be able to dive up to 30 meters deep with DPV.

(*The program price includes scooter rental, diving equipment, and DAN insurance).

Extended Range Foundations Diver

Cost: € 460 / Duration: 2-3 Days

The SSI Extended Range Foundations program provides you with an opportunity to enhance your advanced diving skills in a workshop environment. Learn more about using tec diving gear with any total diving system you are certified to use and build upon your basic skill set to master buoyancy, trim, finning techniques, positioning, and communication. The Extended Range Foundations program provides supplementary training to existing certifications to increase your confidence and in-water control. All in-water sessions are completed in a confined water environment at depths less than 12 meters. You will earn the SSI Extended Range Foundations certification after completing this program.

Extended Range Cavern diver

Cost:  880 / Duration: 6 Days

The SSI Extended Range Cavern Diving program gives you a small glimpse into the exciting world of cave diving. As an SSI Extended Range Cavern diver, you will learn how to use cavern diving equipment, gas management concepts, and buddy team skills to safely conduct cavern penetration dives. The SSI Extended Range Cavern Diving program trains you to dive in caverns within the daylight zone to a maximum depth of 40 meters.

Extended Range CAVE diver

Cost: € 1.540 / Duration: 8 Days

Explore further than ever before and learn how to dive in the most demanding underwater environments. The SSI Cave Diving program teaches adventure seekers the correct procedures and protocols to conduct cave penetration dives with a single navigational choice. Depending on your certifications, you can use either a sidemount, twinset, or rebreather configuration during your training.
The SSI Cave Diving specialty is an excellent progression of training into the fascinating world of caves. As a certified cave diver, you will understand the importance of dive safety and diving with a team, along with the use of well-maintained, properly configured dive equipment.
Start your cave diving journey with the SSI Cave Diving program & PAROS DIVERS today!

Extended Range Nitrox Diver

Cost: €780 / Duration: 5-6 Days

The SSI Extended Range Nitrox program provides a thorough introduction to the concepts, techniques, and procedures required for decompression diving with nitrox. Designed as either a stand-alone program or a stepping-stone to become an SSI Extended Range Trimix diver, this enriched air diving program provides foundational skills that are the basis for all future technical programs. Using either a sidemount or twinset configuration, this program prepares you to plan and conduct limited decompression dives to a maximum depth of 40 meters. In addition, this advanced program will teach you the techniques and procedures for using breathing gases up to 100% oxygen for decompression.

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